Doilies created from paper prints and virtual crochet images. Each doily print has been created digitally by manipulating images of fillet crochet letters to create words and sentences.
The doilies are trimmed with real crochet edgings.
By creating artificial crochet the artist blends digital technologies with traditional hand craft to create a hybrid that is fake and modern.
"Daisy Daisy..." refers to the first synthesised song ever sung by a computer at IBM in 1961, as witnessed by Arthur C Clarke and subsequently featured in Space Odyssey 2001 by Stanley Kubrick.
“Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you" refers to the first words spoken by Alexander Graham Bell over the telephone in 1876.
The artist has been inspired by synthesised speech and song to create synthesised crochet.
digital print on paper, crochet, cotton thread
'Not Just a Hobby' Gaffa Gallery, Sydney 2021